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General advice and guidance on the preparation of evidence suitable for an award or distinction application can be obtained by reading all the associated material available on this website, or by contacting the Society’s Distinctions Office by email. However, the Society is unable to comments on specific images or other particular elements of evidence.

The best way to gain an understanding of the requirements for each award or distinction, and the associated standards expected, is to spend time reviewing successful image sequences and panels. Work of a comparable level, submitted successfully to any of the numerous photographic societies and organizations offering distinction programmes, may be informative. Relevant galleries may be found by searching the internet using terms such as “distinction”, “photographic”, “associateship”, “panel” etc.

The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) is well-known for its very successful programme of distinction advisory days where expert photographers in the relevant fields speak about the detailed requirements for RPS distinctions. Potential distinction applicants are also encouraged to display their work for constructive critical comment. However, bear in mind that while the standards of acceptance adopted for the photographic distinction programmes offered by various organizations may be very similar, the detailed submission requirements and categorizations of work may be somewhat different. Be sure to read the relevant published guidance very carefully prior to making a submission.

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