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Best time to go: April to June, and September to October.
Interesting areas: Paris, the south west, Provence, Brittany, Normandy, the Loire, Corsica, Camargue, Burgundy, Dordogne, the Alps.
Don't miss: Paris, Notre Dame de Chartres, Nancy, Amiens and Reims, Avignon Old Town, Fontainebleau, Versailles, Lourdes, Monet's Garden at Giverny, Carcassonne, Arles, D-Day landing beaches, Mont-Saint-Michel, Biarritz, Scandola Nature Reserve in Corsica, Les Calanches, Feria du Cheval in Camargue, lavender fields, Domme, Sarlat, Mont Blanc.
Opportunities: Architecture, chateaux, cuisine, culture, people, landscapes, mountains, beaches, winter sports.
Located in: Europe

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