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It is relatively easy to purchase a professionally-designed website designed specifically to enable photographers to offer their work for sale. Companies such as Clikpic and Photium offer ideal custom-designed site structures which can be set up and operating within a few days for just a few pounds per year. A suitable domain name is chosen and allocated to the site, and the photographer uploads the desired number of images to fill the gaps in the structure. Once personal information, prices and payment details have been added, the site can be launched. Sites with various image capacities and numbers of pages are available for a range of prices.

Another way to establish a personal website is to design it yourself. With modern web-authoring software, and the availability of content management systems, a simple site is not as difficult to design as many people imagine.

OPS photographers who have established personal websites may be found among the personal galleries. Those wishing to add their personal sites to the list should email the OPS webmaster.

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