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The CAA publishes a simple list of safety considerations relevant to anyone undertaking aerial photography. The PDF leaflet may be found on the CAA website.

Basic safety considerations incorporated in the leaflet include:

  • Think and plan carefully before flying;
  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations;
  • Plan the details of flights carefully;
  • Stow equipment safely;
  • Use good airmanship and an experienced pilot accustomed to working with aerial photographers;
  • Different regulations may apply to private and commercial work - consult Air navigation Order 200, Article 130;
  • Where will the flight take place? Will the aircraft be above property, people of crowded location?
  • At what height will the flight operate? Will the aircraft pass over towns, cities or other congested areas?
  • Will the flight take place in controlled airspace? Is clearance required from the Air Traffic Control Unit?
  • Will the flight operate close to an airfield? If so, be aware of the radio frequencies used and make contact with the relevant authorities.
  • What is the proposed duration of the flight? Consider minimizing noise nuisance.
  • How many people will be in the aircraft? The normal minimum is two, but consider including a third person as a lookout.
  • Is there a possible hazard from low-flying military aircraft? Most low-level military sorties are conducted between ground level and 2,000 feet. Most take place at about 1,000 feet. Can their operating heights and flight-paths be avoided?
  • What weight of equipment is to be carried? Will the aircraft be properly loaded and balanced?
  • Will other aircraft be photographed? Is formation flying involved? Specific regulations may apply.

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