A first experience of using a web Content Management System (CMS) involves a relatively steep learning curve. There is a lot to learn and newcomers will inevitably need many questions answered. However, none of what has to be learnt is very technical and there are excellent sources of information available on the web - including vast user community forums where any question can be answered. Just search for the websites or user forums relevant to the particular CMS.
For example:
- The Joomla CMS is introduced here: http://www.joomla.org/about-joomla.html
- A Joomla site showcase can be found here: http://community.joomla.org/showcase/
- Joomla forums are available at http://forum.joomla.org/.
- Joomla User Groups can be accessed here: http://community.joomla.org/
- The latest Joomla CMS can be downloaded from here: http://www.joomla.org/download.html - although bear in mind that the software must be installed on a server - not your PC!
- The Joomla Extensions Directory is found here: http://extensions.joomla.org/
Don't be put off by the abundance of information and perceived problems. Yes, there is a lot to learn but the information is relatively easy to absorb and there are lots of people waiting to help you. Post on a forum and you will almost always get an answer! It is not necessary to be a computer geek or programmer to master a CMS - that is the point of CMSs. Just get stuck in and after a short while things begin to come clear. After a few weeks you will be able to answer some of the questions raised by others.